A86: Next 2 Asm tutorials - late Sat and Sun


A86: Next 2 Asm tutorials - late Sat and Sun

Hello everyone - this is Cyber Optic.. My next tutorials should be up late
Saturday (I have to
work Sat), and Sunday for the third and maybe (4th?)

I had a few broken links on my site, those were fixed. I added Boulderdash
to the game links
(Jimmy Mardell's request)

I would like to thank everyone for checking out the TI-86 web page - at
about 1000 visitors
in 7 days, I would have to say that the site is extremely popular.  Dan Eble
helped me a lot
in creating the FAQ and answering all my cheesy z80 questions :-) .  Jimmy
Mardell sent
me E-mail today.. he also likes the site! I talked to Alan Bailey on the
IRC, he also may
give me some hints for my tutorials. His suggestion was to have the next
tutorial on binary, hex,
ect. So that is what the next tutorial shall be on, also logical operators
(and,or,xor), and bit masks,
etc.  Registers / Flags / Tasm stuff  will follow shortly after and (maybe)
on a tutorial seperate from the  binary stuff... I am learning z80 as
quickly as possible, I basically only owned the 86 for about
two weeks now!

Joseph M. Gaffney is also supposed to put up a ti-86 tutorial,  from which
he is supposed
to convert the Zshell school to the (86school?). Anyway his web page is at:

E-mail me some suggestions, comments, and/or additions at matt514@gte.net

Make sure you download SQRXZ, that has to be one of the most best
 games out there for the 86.

TI-86 Web Page: http://www.dogtech.com/cybop/ti86/

- Cyber Optic