Re: A86: Fading Routines


Re: A86: Fading Routines

At 04:13 PM 9/5/97 -0500, you wrote:
>   Would it be possible to do a fade-in/fade-out on the 86 by calling the
>functions to increase and decrease the contrast?  If it would, does anybody
>have the contrast functions?

this is all you have to do:

port 2 - Contrast, WRITE ONLY

Write - 
    Value in range of $00-$1F (0d-31d), higher number makes darker

Notes - 
    NO READING FROM THE PORT, however, $C008 contains the contrast, so if
    you read from there, inc or dec it, then load it into the port AND
$C008, all
    will be fine, and your screen will change contrast

        ld a,($C008)
        inc a		;or dec if you want to
        ld ($C008),a
        out (2),a

here's the routine ^^^^

 Alan Bailey  
 IRC:Abalone              Web:
