Re: A86: A86 : Protocol additions
Re: A86: A86 : Protocol additions
Joseph Gaffney wrote:
> At 06:12 PM 9/4/97 -0700, KewlAid wrote:
> >Maybe A86 could make good use of TSRs. That might be a good way to
> do
> >things in TI-OS.
> >
> >How about a compiler program on the calc? Is it possible?
> >
> Yeah. Actually, my thoughts is that we need a way to program the
> assembly
> on the calc, then run AsmComp(prgm) (or perhaps this would be
> incompatible,
> so another compiler) so that we can do some programming in class =)
if you want to program on the calc you would want a safety program.
Every programmer (i assume ;) makes mistakes that freeze the calculator
or mess it up somehow losing all the work done... i believe we need to
make something that lets us avoid errors before persuing a on calc
Russ Hanson