Re: A86: Please read this!!! New shell!!! I need help!
Re: A86: Please read this!!! New shell!!! I need help!
At 08:19 PM 9/4/97 -0500, Harper Maddox wrote:
>Hmm... what would i want in a shell...
>Id like something like CshellNT, becuase bloatware aint cool. I guess
>you guys could take the usgard approach, making a few different shells
>based on what the user prefers. Some people, like me, would just want
>one that uses libraries and runs asm progs without the need for the asm(
>command. While others, trying to fill the 96k of RAM, would be much
>happier with a Win95/aurora kind of interface.
AHH!!!! EWWWW ICKY, WIN 95!!! hehhehe =) (RmMinusRf)
XFree86 interface would be better ;-).
BTW, my approach is very split pieces, so that the GUI (not really a shell,
its a GUI) can be changed easily, aand support for new things can be added
easily as well.
| Joseph M. Gaffney - |
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