Re: A86: Counting Program?
Re: A86: Counting Program?
I caught a small error in my recent reply! this is the corrected
for numbers > 256
ld de,## ; put your number here 0-65535
ld b,d ; do the outer loop this many times
ld a,e ; do the inner loop this many times first, then 255
ld e,0 ; set DE to just D*256 not D*256+E
push bc ; we need to save this for the outer counter
dec d ; D will have same value as outer loop + 1 (same as
ld b,a ; do the inner loop this many times
push bc ; save our counter!
push de ; save value of d
;****** your number that is going from ## -> 0 is DE+B
pop de ; get this back
pop bc ; get this back
djnz Part2 ;
;**** right here b = 0 so here your number is just DE..
;**** you need to run what you did up there here too! (maybe call a
; **** routine)
;**** make sure you push/pop bc or de if needed
pop bc ; get our outer loop counter back
ld a,255 ; repeat inner loop 256 times next time!
djnz Part1
;**** at this point our number (DE+B) will be zero, if needed repeat
;**** yous desired routine here
there, that should fix those small errors, i didn't catch. Maybe next
time I should test my routine before posting.. This one still isn't
tested :) I'll test it tommorow :)
Trent Lillehaugen
Computer Engineering Major
California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo