A86: Better Aligned Sprite Routine
A86: Better Aligned Sprite Routine
On Mon, 1 Sep 1997, Ricci Adams wrote:
> This is an updated version of the sprite routine I recived from Trent
> Lillehaugen last week. This version allows you to put the sprite in any of
> the 8x8 squares on the screen. To call this, use:
Here's a more efficient aligned sprite routine. As far as I know, IX has
no enduring purpose in the TI system software. (I have not tested this
routine.) Push/pop of IX adds 4 bytes and 29 t-states. Push/pop of other
registers adds 2 bytes and 21 t-states.
This routine is 2/3 the size of the previously posted routine and executes
in about 3/4 of the time. (Push/pop of IX makes it about 8/10.) Is there
room for more optimization? (James?)
; original total: 42b/753t (not counting ret)
; current total : 28b/567t (not counting ret)
; IN : D = y (0-7 inclusive)
; E = x (0-15 inclusive)
; HL-> sprite
; OUT: AF, BC, DE, HL, IX modified
push hl
pop ix ; ix-> sprite
srl d ; de = 128y+x (16 bytes/row, 8 rows)
and $80
or e ; add x offset (remember x <= 15)
ld e,a
ld hl,$FC00 ; hl-> vid mem
add hl,de ; hl-> vid mem + offset
ld b,8 ; initialize loop counter
ld de,$0010 ; initialize line increment
; originally 30b/126t to this point
; now 19b/90t to this point
ld a,(ix+0) ; get byte from sprite
ld (hl),a ; put byte on screen
inc ix ; move to next byte in sprite
add hl,de ; move to next line on screen
; originally 10b/66t inside loop
; now 7b/47t inside loop
djnz DrawPicLoop
Dan Eble (mailto:eble@cis.ohio-state.edu)