Re: A86: New assembly loader/shell


Re: A86: New assembly loader/shell

On Mon, 1 Sep 1997 wrote:

> Earlier this month (before I joined this list), Dan Eble and Bill Nagel were
> discussing a shell and separate (or was it together?) loader when they
> decided to take it private.  Just out of curiosity, does anyone know what
> happened to that?  Is it still being worked on?

Bill went on vacation, and I'm busy.  He sent me a small email recently
saying he had some more ideas.  When he returns next week, we'll discuss
them, revise the standard proposal some more, take more comments and 
suggestions, and (finally) work on implementing the A86 loader and

If you want to view the proposal, which hasn't changed at all in the last
two weeks, go to .  I notice the
server is down at the moment.

Dan Eble (
