Re: A86: Typing in letters


Re: A86: Typing in letters

Brian wrote:
>  Is there an easier way to detect a person pressing a any letter on
> the the calc and then displaying that letter rather than going through
> and checking for every letter like so

Yes, by using CPIR:

 call GET_KEY
 ld hl,Letters         ; HL -> Letter table 
 ld bc,26              ; 26 letters to check
 cpir                  ; Compare A with each letter until a match is
 jr nz,NoMatch
 ld a,c
 add a,'A'
 call _putc

; The keycodes of the alphabet backwards

 .db $19,$21,$0A,$12,$1A,$22,$0B,$13,$1B,$23,$2B
 .db $0C,$14,$1C,$24,$2C,$0D,$15,$1D,$25,$2D,$0E
 .db $16,$1E,$26,$2E

The alphabet is stored backwards because BC is decrease from
26 to 0. If you press 'Y', the keycode would $21, and BC
would decrease two times (CPIR decreases BC even though it
finds the matching code on the second try). Thus, 'A'+24 =
65+24 = 89 = 'Y'

Jimmy Mårdell                "The nice thing about standards is that         there are so many of them to choose from."    
IRC: Yarin                   "Sanity? I'm sure I have it on tape

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