Re: A86: Hooking interrupt idea
Re: A86: Hooking interrupt idea wrote:
> So the TI8x's don't even have anything hooked up to the NMI lead on the vhip?
> Strange... I would think that that would be the most efficient way of
> staying off, wouldn't it be? If not, then what actuallt does happen when the
> calc is off?
Nothing I think :) When the calc is shut down, it sends two bytes
port 3 (iirc) which probably enter low power mode and turns off the
It also disable interrupts and then execute a HALT instruction. The HALT
instruction performs NOP (according to my Z80 book) until an interrupt
and since interrupts have been disabled, that happens when the ON key is
So, the calc executes a lot of NOPs :-)
> Also, what is this interrupt handler at 38H? When does it get called?
Every time an interrupt occurs. In IM 1, which is default on the TI-8x
a call to 38H is made.
> Oh, and what is RETN?
There are three different types of return instructions, RET, RETI and
RET is used to end an ordinary subroutine, RETI to end a maskable
handler (at the end of the default interrupt handler at 38H, there is
a RETI) and RETN to end a NMI (which doesn't exist on TI-8x calcs).
RET pops PC from the stack
RETI also pops PC from the stack, but "this instruction is recognize by
peripheral devices as the end of a peripheral service routine so
as to
allow proper control of nested priority interrupts." (quote from
the Z80" by Rodney Zaks).
RETN pops PC from the stacks AND copies IFF2 to IFF1. If this is true,
this instruction
could be used (and probably RETI as well) instead of the plain
RET, but since
it's one byte longer (and slower), it would be quite useless.
IFF1 and IFF2 are used so the Z80 knows if interrupt are possible. When
maskable interrupt routines is disabled (IFF1=0 after a DI or because of
a NMI).
NMI calls needs to backup IFF1 into IFF2 so DI/EI status is preserved.
But all this is not very necessary to know when programming asm on the
TI-86 :-)
Jimmy Mårdell "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from."
IRC: Yarin "Sanity? I'm sure I have it on tape