Re: A86: Graphics


Re: A86: Graphics ( wrote:

>horizontal/vertical line.  Anyway, OR's, AND's, and XOR's can all be used
>that way (except for AND, you should use the compliment accumulator opcode
>(forgot the mneumonic - CCA maybe?) first, so that when you AND it, it will

The mneumonic is CPL.

Here's a more basic (better) explanation:
     When you call findpixel, the hl register is set to the memory 
location with the 8 bits in it that contains the bit (E, D) that you want 
to set.  The accumulator holds a byte that is blank except for the bit 
corresponding to the specific pixel you requested.  To use this 
information, you can make the processor change the contents of a in 
memory location (hl).  So, if hl is $FC00 and A is %01000000, 'or (hl)\ld 
(hl), a' will fill in the second pixel from the right at the top line of 
the screen. If you want to do more complex things than that, you can use: 
'CPL\and (hl)\ld (hl),a' to clear a bit, 'xor (hl)\ld (hl),a' to change a 
bit, or 'and (hl)\ld (hl), a' to use a bit as the mask for that byte's 
worth of video memory.  As with all graphics applications, I would like 
to suggest that you use Dan Eble's and my FindPixel routine, which is 
blisteringly fast and very small.

James Yopp
"Time is the fire in which we burn."