Re: A86: test program
Re: A86: test program
>>> all you have to do is take one of the aaa's out and press on then put it
>>> back in
>> No, that won't reset the memory. If the calculator won't turn on, you
>> have to remove one AAA, hold on down for 10 seconds, replace the
>> AAA, and try to turn the calc on. If that doesn't work, try it again.
>> If you do this twice in a row, it will clear any 86, reguardless of it's
>> condition.
> yes it does work thats how i do it all the time when my calc crashes
> regardless of the program that crashed it
Luck I guess. TI installed a very nice feature on the 86. You can remove
a battery while the calc is on or hold down the on key when a battery is
missing and the the calculator, when turned back on, will restart at
$0000, retaining all memory. This is a good way to stop an infinite loop
and will always work when the OS interrupts are in operation. (A good
test for this would be to hold down the down and left arrow keys. If the
calc locks up, it's safe to remove your batteries). A cool example is
security program in AShell. Activate it, turn your calculator on, and
while you're being prompted for a password, remove a battery. You will
find yourself back at the homescreen, memory intact. Since the
interrupts are no longer installed, repeating the clearing procedure
will erase the calculator.