A86: SpriteEdit
A86: SpriteEdit
Hi everyone, you may remember me as the co-develepor of Zelda4 for the TI-85
ZShell last summer.
I, along with Chris Tossing, have created a new program for the PC (sorry, it
does not work on Mac). The program is called SpriteEdit and it lets you
(duh..) edit sprites on the computer and then converts them into assembly
code. It have MANY more cool features.
*****To download it, go to my webpage at: http://dantheman.home.ml.org !*****
Then click on the link that takes you to SpriteEdit's homepage.
If you need to contact me, please do so with this address: DanHussain@aol.com
For more information and a complete description of SpriteEdit, read below:
by Dan Hussain and Chris Tossing
Welcome to SpriteEdit's homepage. SpriteEdit is designed to make creating
sprites for the TI-82, TI-83, TI-85, and TI-86 calculators easier. Here you
can find SpriteEdit executables for Windows 95/NT/3.1, the Visual Basic
3.0/4.0 support dlls, screen shots of the program, and a list of features and
future plans.
SpriteEdit is designed for the average Z80 assembly language programmer for
the TI-80 line of Texas Instrument's programmable calculators. SpriteEdit can
be used to create sprites, or small pictures that can be drawn to the screen.
With the proper assembly commands, the sprite can be maneuvered around the
screen to achieve any desired affect. SpriteEdit is appropriate for all
levels of programmers, from beginers to advanced assembly game programmers.
For more information about TI calculators, visit the Texas Instrument's
homepage. For information about assembly language programming and sprites,
visit TI-Calc.Org. And, for more specific information about the TI-85
calculator, go to Dan's Homepage.
Available Functions:
Create and edit sprites visually with a mouse.
Convert the onscreen picture to assembly code.
Convert from assembly code to onscreen picture for editing.
Open and save PutSprite-formatted sprites.
Print the assembly code and a preview of the sprite.
Cut, copy, paste, undo, and delete commands.
Clear, blacken, invert, and noise special affects.
Option to automatically update the assembly code as you edit the sprite.
Option to automatically update the picture display as you edit the assembly
Option to save the open file on exit.
Option to prompt for open on startup.
Comprehensive help.
Plans for Improvement:
Open and save NASR Warp formatted sprites.
Create geometric shapes such as lines, rectangles, and circles.
More special affects.
Larger sprite working area.
System Requirements:
486 DX/2 with 8MB RAM.
System Recommendations:
Pentium with 16MB RAM.
Contact Information:
If you have any problems, feel free to contact either author at his
corresponding email address or visit his homepage: Name Email Address
Dan Hussain DanHussain@aol.com http://DantheMan.home.ml.org
Chris Tossing CTGDesign@aol.com http://members.aol.com/CTGDesign
Copyright © 1997
Dan Hussain and Chris Tossing
All rights reserved.