RE: A86: Key info
RE: A86: Key info
See the great tutorial attached for info about binary numbers. When sending data to the key port (out (1),a), you mask out the keys corresponding to the bits set in a. In your case, a=%00111111, you mask out all the keys in the row for bit 6 (bit 7 is disregarded) in the key table in the port info I sent you. Then, by using in (1),a , the bits set in a corresponds to that of the columns in the key table. E.g. bit 6 would be set if the exit key was pressed, or bit 3 if the F2 key was pressed.
Stud. tech. Martin Blix Grydeland, Computer Science NTNU
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: 18. oktober 1997 05:47
Subject: Re: A86: Key info
Hi again,
I have yet another question. I dont understand how the bit stuff
works..What does %00111111 stand for and how you find it?
P.S. Thanks Martin
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