A86: random
A86: random
ok i followed whoever's source that was posted on here about using
random numbers and heres what i came up with.....
still it doesnt control the max num like it is sposed to :( can someone
look at it?
#include "asm86.h"
_setxxop2 equ 4617h
_convop1 equ 5577h
_fpmult equ 548Ch
.org $D748
call _clrLCD
call _PDspGrph
call _runindicoff
call random
ld b,a
call random
ld c,a
call random
ld d,a
push de
call random
pop de
ld e,a
ld h,1
call _ILine
call $5371
cp $37
jr nz,lines
call _RANDOM
ld a,$77
call _setxxop2
call _fpmult
call _convop1
ld a,e