Re: A86: sqrxz levels
Re: A86: sqrxz levels wrote:
> That's what I had in mind in the first place. The beginning could be a "demo
> level" where sqrxz plays automatically and perhaps says something, to show
> plot, then there's a similar thing at the end. At the very least, the message
> at the end could change, and perhaps include a message at the beginning. (It
> should be able to go several pages).
Hmm... maybe something like that. If you can create nice endings in a
I bet a most level creators will spend most of the time creating the
ending :-/
> Another thought I just had, and by all means it does NOT need to be followed,
> but what if sqrxz was flipped sideways? That way the extra 2 lines at the top
> that are missing from the PC version can be seen. (BTW, I recommend that
> everyone play the PC version of Sqrxz; look in the help file to find where to
> get it). It would require revamping of lots of code, I'm sure, but it would
> be interesting... just a thought. If this idea sucks, don't get mad...
If Sqrxz was flipped sideways, scrolling would be incredible much faster
The problem is, of course, that you would only be able to see 8 tiles in
direction instead of 16... that's just not acceptable.
Jimmy Mårdell "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from."
IRC: Yarin "Sanity? I'm sure I have it on tape