A86: Graphics
A86: Graphics
Can someone give me a simple, i repeat, simple, explanation of how to do
graphics in an asm program. on my own, i figured out how to do getkey
stuff, displaying text, and the necesary stuff in an asm prog to keep yer
calc from crashing. i feel that i am ready to proceed to the next step,
which i think is simple graphics. I have absolutely no clue on how to do
this, so i would appreciate any, any, help at all. looking at source can
only take one so far. thanx
Robby Gutmann
ICQ UIN: 724927 Agonostis on IRC
Some people think Life Sucks, then You Die. I disagree. Life sucks, then
you get cancer. Then you go into chemotherapy. You lose all your hair, you
feel bad about yourself. Then all of a sudden the cancer goes into
remission. You look good, you feel good, you're going great, and all of a
sudden you have a stroke. You can't move your right side. And one day you
step off the curb at 68th by Lincoln Center and BANG, you get hit by a bus.
And then--maybe--you die.
--Denis Leary