A86: Feed back


A86: Feed back

I have noticed that many questions on this mailing list concerns sprite routines, and being able to write 8x8 sprites anywhere on the screen. I haven't found any such routine, so I made one myself. Since I am not a very experienced ASM-programmer, I have no idea whether this is a useful routine, or just too slow and large to be used in a heavy graphic game. I therefor apply to the more experienced gurus out there to have a look, and maybe give me some comments and suggestions. If you have the time that is.

This code may be used & copied freely, as long as I am given credit for it and no changes is made without my authorisation.


Stud. tech. Martin Blix Grydeland, Computer Science NTNU
E-mail: grydelan@stud.ntnu.no
Web: http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~grydelan
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