A86: System routines


A86: System routines

Could anyone please point me to a place or explain these system routines for
me? The ones that are in the TI86asm.inc:

_clrLCD        equ     4A7Eh
_clrScrn       equ     4A82h
_putmap        equ     4A27h
_putc          equ     4A2Bh
_puts          equ     4A37h
_putps         equ     4A3Bh
_vputmap       equ     4AA1h
_vputs         equ     4AA5h
_vputsn        equ     4AA9h
_GRBUFCPY      equ     4E39h
_ILine         equ     4E51h
_IPoint        equ     4E59h
_PDspGrph      equ     4D6Fh
_CLine         equ     51E9h
_getkey        equ     55AAh
_RANDOM        equ     55DAh
_newline       equ     4A5Fh
_runindicoff   equ     4AB1h
_runindicon    equ     4AADh
_CONVOP1       equ     5577h

Stein Sem-Jacobsen
