Re: A86: Capture key-press
Re: A86: Capture key-press
I'm an IBM PC asm programmer (80x86 intel family cpu's) and when you
want to capture a keypress you just hook an interrupt that it's called
every time the keyboard generates an IRQ (interrupt request).
The code called by that interrupt is called the BIOS keyboard handler.
I dunno nothing much about the TI-86 (Z80) architecture, but the calculator
must have a way similar to the one used in the IBM PC...
If you know how the TI receives the keypresses, there must be some way
to redirect it and to get control of it, before the actual TI handler.
I heard something about a vector table on the TI... if there is an
interrupt vector table, just find what interrupt is generated by the keyboard
and change its pointer at the vector table.
Well, its just an idea... hope it helps.
Bye! :)
razer (