Re: A86: Some info


Re: A86: Some info

At 11:37 1997-11-20 -0500, you wrote:
>Since you guys want some more info here's something I came up with.  Its a
>text file and a 86p file. Read the file first in notepad.  Its all about
>the 86 Custom menu.

Nice. I've been playing around with the TI finanical program some time ago,
trying to understand how it adds menus.

Anyway, there are an awful lot of menu structures in that program, submenus
etc. Most likely
the 'marker bytes' are the same. If you'll check those menu structures,
you'll probably see how submenus etc work.

Real name: Jimmy Mårdell                 
IRC......: Yarin                         
Email....:      <-- NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS!!!!
