RE: A86: Capture key-press
RE: A86: Capture key-press
At 01:02 1997-11-20 +0100, you wrote:
>The reason why I'm questioning about this, is that my exams are getting
>close. As a little preparation, I thought of writing a small little TSR to
>snap up thos clear-mem keystrokes, so to fool the clear-calc crew. Is that
>possible to do?, or does anyone have any other ideas of how to solve this,
>please share them. A totaly fool-proof fake reset program would be a REAL
>nice thing to have.
A fool-proof fake reset program is _very_ hard to make. Quite many fake mem
programs has been made for the 85, but none of them are very good.
The best attemt, imho, is not to snap keystrokes, because the TI-OS will
get them 'faster' then the TSR program. On the 85, the current menu (and
the shaded menu above it) is stored in the RAM as 10 pointers, pointing to
menu structures. A fake mem program would check those RAM locations
constantly, and if they point to clear mem, reset mem, show mem, delete
variables etc, the pointers should be changed to point to a program
instead. This might be somewhat harder on the 86 because of the RAM swapping.
>As for J. Mårdell's answer below, I have to (probably stupid) questions:
>1) What is IM 2?
>2) What is a 257 byte vector table
These are not stupid questions, because interrupt programming on the TI-8x
calcs is advanced stuff (if you want to understand how it works). I've
explained it in detail a few times before - I think I'll put together a FAQ
about it.
Real name: Jimmy Mårdell
IRC......: Yarin
Email....: <-- NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS!!!!