Re: A86: c flag
Re: A86: c flag
Here is a routine to do it:
_setxxop1 equ 4613h
_setxxop2 equ 4617h
_CPOP1OP2 equ 41FBh
ld a,(var1)
call _setxxop1 ;Store into Op1
ld a,(var2)
call _setxxop2 ;Store into Op2
call _CPOP1OP2 ;Compare Op1/Op2
jp z,equal
jp nz,less
jp c,greater
At 01:43 AM 11/7/97 +0000, you wrote:
>can someone tell me how to use the c flag to determine if a value is
>equal to or above a number
>like if i have a with value 3 and b with value 4
>cp b
>jr c,bigger ; would this move to bigger if a >b or if b>a?
Ahmed El-Helw
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