Re: A86: Hooking interrupt idea
Re: A86: Hooking interrupt idea
Steve86Asm wrote:
> In a message dated 97-11-01 18:54:47 EST, you write:
> >
> > > One more thing.... Are you saying that it jumps to 38H _every_ time ON
> is
> > > pressed, or just if it's off. Also, do the interrupts occur 195-200 /s
> > even
> > > when running asm programs? That would mess up the program that's
> running,
> > > wouldn't it?
> >
> > The CPU is (I think) still executing assembly instructions when you turn
> > off
> > the calculator (not when you remove the batteries of course). And yes,
> > every
> > time you press the ON key an interrupt occurs (if IFF1=1). Since the
> > processor
> > is always active when there are batteries in the calc, there is no
> > reason to
> > believe it would treat the ON key different when it's turned off.
> >
> > The interrupt frequency is a hardware thing and is impossible to change;
> > ie, asm programs have nothing to do with it.
> >
> What I was referring to was this: Does it jump to 38H about 200 times per
> sec, even if you're running an ASM program, with interrupts enabled? If so, I
> would think that it would _drastically_ slow it down, or that it would even
> mess up the registers, etc...
yeah it seems kind of useless running it all the time, maybe a flag
turns it off? then again its for protection in programs so maybe not