Re: A86: Checking Second and Alpha
Re: A86: Checking Second and Alpha
Keith wrote:
> i am writing a program and i need to know the state of the cursor,
> normal, second, alpha, etc... there would be two ways to do it i think,
> the first being to check and see if second or alpha is pressed (i
> couldn't seem to get that to work) and the second way would be just to
> read the state from somewhere (i had no idea of where to start). any
> ideas on how to do either?
do you mean you are making like a program where you control everything
it does? if not i cant help you, but if so here is how to do it.... you
can use a space after textmem if you want, but i would make it so it has
a perm space in ram so you can start where you left off.
ld a,curs
cp a,'à' ;see if it was the second cursor before
jr z,not_sec
ld a,'à'
ld (curs),a
ld a,'ß'
ld (curs),a
or something like that