Re: A86: Re: Great... An 86 Emulator and no decent ROM dump program


Re: A86: Re: Great... An 86 Emulator and no decent ROM dump program

>But as for ROM dumps hindering TI's ability to produce emulators... I'd 
>have to say you're wrong there.  If you ask me, distributing ROM dumps 
>doesn't stop TI from charging money for an emulator, it's people making 
>*FREE* emulators that hurt them.  I mean, why buy an emulator when you 
>can just get some free one?  
The reason you would buy a emulator from TI is that you are going to get 
a legal ROM from TI that can be used even if you don't own the 
calculator.  Also, it is very possible for someone to make an Emulator 
for the Pilot, Newton, or a Windows CE machine.  This would actually be a 
bit more useful than having one on your home computer.  If the ROM images 
were made available on the Internet, TI could possibly start loosing 
sales.  And besides, if ROM images aren't distributed illegally, then 
FREE emulators shouldn't hurt TI because the bulk of the price of an 
emulator from TI would be to make up for loss of the calculator sale.
>Don't forget that TI hasn't exactly been quick to actually MAKE 
>emulators.  So they made that trashy TI-81 emulator... big deal.  Not 
>only does TI not even say word one about it, but they charge a price 
>near what it costs to buy one of those pieces of shit!  
Well, just because it isn't the best of products, doesn't mean that they 
couldn't do better.  Or contract out to another company to make a better 

>Again, this relates to Nintendo ROMs in the fact that you ARE allowed to 
>back them up on computer assuming you already own one.  Sure, TI doesn't 
>want you giving them to other people, but they probably think that 
>everyone is a thieving pirate hell-bent on ruining Texas Instruments.
Actually, Nintendo isn't too happy about the ROM images being available 
on the Internet.  Just recently, they threatened legal action against the 
developers of SNES-9x.  And they weren't even distributing ROMs.  Also, 
Nintendo doesn't even grant you the right to make a backup copy in their 
license.  Remember, just because you own the game or the calculator, 
doesn't mean you own absolute rights to the ROM!!

All TI is doing is protecting their property.  TI knows that they aren't 
gonna go out of buisness because of someone copying their ROMs for an 
emulator, but it wouldn't take too much for someone to take the specs and 
a copy of the ROM to build their own version to sell.  I'm not saying 
that this is likely, but they have to protect what is theirs.

Personally, I have no problem with ROM images being made available.  But 
I won't make mine available to download.  I'm not bashing piracy, but 
then again I'm not trying to defend it.  Just try to look at it from TI's 


Maintainer of the TI-8x Emulation Project: