Re: A86: Re: Great... An 86 Emulator and no decent ROM dump program


Re: A86: Re: Great... An 86 Emulator and no decent ROM dump program

>From Sun Dec 21 12:04:34 1997
>Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) id VAA24125 for 
assembly-86-outgoing; Sun, 21 Dec 1997 21:02:06 +0100
>Message-Id: <>
>Subject: Re: A86: Re: Great... An 86 Emulator and no decent ROM dump 
>Date: Sun, 21 Dec 97 14:00:08 -0600
>x-mailer: Claris Emailer 2.0, March 15, 1997
>From: Dennis Munsie <>
>To: <>
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>Precedence: list
>>    Amen!  Lord knows I'm having trouble getting the ROMs off my 86...  
>>about time someone puts an end to all this so-called "illegal" calc 
ROM dump
>The deal with the "so-called illegal calc ROM dump" is that TI has said 
>in the past that it doesn't want it's ROM images made available over 
>Internet.  This ends up being a hassle for everyone who either wants to 
>run an emulator or just wants to look at the ROM for hidden secrets, 
>if that's what TI wants, it needs to be respected.  One reason they may 
>not want the images distributed is that they have a TI-81 emulator for 
>sale, and they may have other ones being worked on.  If the ROM images 
>are freely available, then they won't be able to make a profit on their 
>own emulator.  There have been successful dumps of the 86 ROM, and 
>those who have done it can get together to produce a FAQ for everyone 
>BTW, if you've been following this list, you would have seen that a 
>of the ROM was posted and then taken down earlier this week.
>Maintainer of the TI-8x Emulation Project:

Yeah, I saw that post just today, but only to find out he had taken it 
down... guess that's what I get for not checking my email in about two 

But as for ROM dumps hindering TI's ability to produce emulators... I'd 
have to say you're wrong there.  If you ask me, distributing ROM dumps 
doesn't stop TI from charging money for an emulator, it's people making 
*FREE* emulators that hurt them.  I mean, why buy an emulator when you 
can just get some free one?  

Don't forget that TI hasn't exactly been quick to actually MAKE 
emulators.  So they made that trashy TI-81 emulator... big deal.  Not 
only does TI not even say word one about it, but they charge a price 
near what it costs to buy one of those pieces of shit!  

Again, this relates to Nintendo ROMs in the fact that you ARE allowed to 
back them up on computer assuming you already own one.  Sure, TI doesn't 
want you giving them to other people, but they probably think that 
everyone is a thieving pirate hell-bent on ruining Texas Instruments.

Anyway, to everyone who HAS a ROM dump of the 86: please, loosen up and 
post it or something.  You are allowed to keep a back up of the ROM on 
your computer, and personally I and others would like to also.

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