A86: Another New Guy


A86: Another New Guy

Hello everyone! This is Mogsoft ASM at Hotmail dot com here to say: 
"Greetings!" I am also known as "MogKupo0@aol.com", for those of you on 
here who know me. I just wrote my first Assembly program (and it works!) 
that displays something on the screen, waits until you press enter, then 
displays something else, waits until you press enter again, then quits. 
I am now working on a program that's a mini-chose your own adventure. I 
have a couple Q's, tho:

1. Is there a conditional load statement? Something that would be like 

 jp z,a,1

? If not, is there a way to do that so that I don't have to do an entire 
new routine like this:

 ld a,1

to do that? For example, my program states:

 call GET_KEY
 cp KF1
 jp z,A1
 ret z
 cp KF2
 jp z,A2
 ret z
 jp nz, F_key_get

(I think you can guess what A2 does). Is there a more effecient way to 
do this? Does anyone have a routine that returns the BASIC-standard 

2. How do I display variables? Can I just call _vputs and do .db a? Or 
do I have to do something like "ld (DisplayVal),a   .db DisplayVal"? Am 
I completely off? Some help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks all of you, and have a great day!


P.S. I am looking to make a web site committed to creating the ultimate 
TI-86 ASM reference on earth. If anyone has any suggestions, comments, 
or submissions, I would appreciate it!

"Forget the vertical asymptote! What I want to know is if you use a jump 
to the getkey routine while the register HL is set to $6F, will it 
result in the increase of the a and x register?!!"

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