Re: A86: calc-Off


Re: A86: calc-Off

At 12:59 AM 12/16/97 EST, you wrote:
>In a message dated 97-12-14 11:16:56 EST, you write:
><< Here's a better way to do it:
> <----code fragment start----
> <OFF:
> <  ld a,1			;3E01
> <   out (3),a			;D303
> <   res onRunning,(iy+onflags)  	;FDCB099E
> <l0: halt			;76
> <   jr l0			;18FD
> <-----code fragment end----- >>
>       How would you do it if you wanted it to continue executing code after
>it was turned back on.
I'm pretty sure you'd have to install an interrupt routine that would
restart your program...I can't think of any other way you could do it. I
think an interrupt routine something like this should work:

   bit onRunning,(iy+onflags)
   ret z
	;I'm not sure exactly how to use _exec_assembly, but use it here to
	;restart your program - you could pass it some value that would let
	;it know where to pick up.
   res 2,(iy+35)	;uninstall interrupt

