Re: A86: Writing integers
Re: A86: Writing integers
Robert Niedziela wrote:
> I have one question.
> Is there function writing integers to screen using variable width font
> in TI-86 ROM ?
> (something like function at location $4A33 using 5x7 font)
First, put the number in AHL. Next, put $ffff in (_curRow), then point
(_penCol) and (_penRow) to where you want to display the integer. Next
call _dispAHL ($4a33), then call _vputs.
Here is the routine you can call to display HL in a variable-width font
(assuming you have already set _penCol and _penRow):
_dispAHL equ $4a33
display_hl: ;display hl in decimal
push de ;save de
ld de,-1 ;put $ffff in de
ld (_curRow),de ;put $ffff in (_curRow) and (_curCol)
pop de ;restore de
xor a ;clear high byte of ahl
call _dispAHL ;point hl to decimal string
jp _vputs ;print string and return
--wil mahan