Re: A86: link


Re: A86: link

Karsten wrote:
> I have a lot of questions about link protocol and transfer characteristics.
>  Who is the expert on this subject?  Are there any files about how the link
> works?  Can anyone tell me how the link sends information through the wire?
> >From what I know now, one wire is pulled to the ground and the other wire
> responds by pulling to the ground.  Is this right?  If so, does that mean
> that there is a constant electric flow through the wire?  And, it only
> stops when the wires are pulled to the ground.

no there isnt a constant flow of current through the wire, this would
majorly waste your battery, only time it is used is when the user makes
the link port go hi (on one or both wires) or when the calc sends data
through it, some commands also cause a hi to go to the port.

> If all the stuff above is right, what's the theory behind the infa-red link?

the infra-red would be kinda hard to do, first you would have to make a
protocol to the infrared receiver/sender. and there is the receiving and
sending, you would have to make up your own routines for reading and
error-proofing the system so that you could make it receive good data
and not crap. the timing might be hard to do also 

> How would it work?  This subject intrests me a lot.  Anyone who can help me
> understand this is pretty cool.  Thanks for any help in advance.
