Re: A86: Variables -> display
Re: A86: Variables -> display
Stein Sem-Jacobsen wrote:
> >Stein Sem-Jacobsen wrote:
> >>
> >> I've got the variable stored in "var: .db " How do I diplay this number,
> >> that I write to all the time, on the display as a decimalnumber?
> >
> >ld hl,var
> >ld l,0
> >ld a,0
> >call $4a33
> >
> I didn't get this to work. This is how it looks like:
> #include "asm86.h"
> #include ""
> ;-----------------------------
> ;Variables
> frstb = $CFAB
> ;-----------------------------
> ld (frstb),a ;store the 1st byte
> ld hl,frstb
> ld l,0
> ld a,0
> call $4a33
> This should display the number stored in "frstb" as a DEC not a character,
> hex or bin.
> But no matter what i put in "frstb" i get the same number out at the screen.
> The number is 55xxx where xxx is the numbers that varies. Some times it
> changes but i don't know why, because it doesn't happen when I change the
> number stored in "frstb"
> Stein Sem-Jacobsen
Your problem is that you'r zeroing out L instead of H. Also, don't load HL from
there, because HL is a word and that was a byte. A better code would be this:
ld l,(frstb)
ld h,0
xor a
call $4a33
That should do it.
Stephen Hicks
- No Subject
- From: (Bryan Weinstein)