Re: A86: TI-Network
Re: A86: TI-Network
Well tell him that there is a 14 year old in Anchorage,Ak that has minimal
10Base-T working...
TI already has a network for calcs. It is real expensive. I've already
got 3 requests from school districts requesting to see my prototype, so I
think I will finish it.
DON'T think I STOLE this idea. I had started it before I even subscribed
to this list.
>Earlier i mentioned a network for the TI-82,83,85,86,92. It wasnt my
>idea and i am not gonna pretend it was. I was at a science fair and
>there was a science project there where someone had a network for TI
>calcs that used a network hub. I dont rememeber what it could do but he
>said that he was going to keep working on it and eventually set up an
>internet site. I searched in every search engine i could find but i
>couldnt find anything about his network. The rumor is that he got hired
>by TI but i dont know what the deal was . Since i cant find anything
>about his network i am gonna post here asking if he's on here and to
>email me if he can. if i dont get a reply then i am gonna try to do
>what he did but on the internet. i would appreciate any input anybody
>can give me, or anyinfo on where this person might be, and i would
>appreciate any help i could get from people who can program ASM in any