Re: A86: re: moving sprites


Re: A86: re: moving sprites

I didn't really know how to do a decent loop with this thing. I was using
your routine and got the picture, but no movement. What I need is some type
of loop to get the sprite to move about 30 spaces (x-coord=10 to
x-cood=40). My y-coord is 24. The game, I'm not sure if I'll be releasing
it or not, is a kind of Duckhunt clone. That's why I've been looking off
the source to it as help.

	call	_clrLCD			
	call	_runindicoff               
	call	titledisp		
	call	no_key		
	call 	BG			
	call	no_key		
	call	putspr		
titledisp:				;----------------
	.				;I got all of this working
	.				;so I won't bother 
	.				;copying it since it
no_key:				;really isn't that
	.				;important.
	.				;
	.				;----------------

	ld	 hl,duckr		;I know what this does
	ld 	 a,10			;but I don't know
	ld	 e,24			;how to get it
	ld	 b,a			;to keep moving
	ld	 c,e			;the sprite around
	push	 bc
	call	 PutSprite
	pop	 bc
	ld	 a,b
	ld	 e,c
	inc	 a

	.db	00000100b
	.db	00001110b
	.db	10001111b
	.db	11111110b
	.db	11111100b
	.db	01111100b
	.db	00111000b
	.db	00000000b

Jeff Zimmerman
> can you post the code you are using for the loop?
