Re: A86: Variables -> display


Re: A86: Variables -> display

Stein Sem-Jacobsen wrote:
> I've got the variable stored in "var: .db " How do I diplay this number,
> that I write to all the time, on the display as a decimalnumber?

ld hl,var
ld l,0
ld a,0
call $4a33

> How are the cursorcoordinates? Are they laied out like this?
> 0--------
> |
> |
> |
> |
> |


> How are they numbered and how do I set them?

ld hl,$xx00 ;xx is number $00-$13
ld (_curCol),hl ;set cursor at column xx

ld hl,$00xx ;xx is number $00-$07
ld (_curRow),hl ;set cursor at row xx
