A86: Re: Zero Terminated Strings
A86: Re: Zero Terminated Strings
1. The TI's text rountine "_puts" or "_vputs" paste ascii characters until a
zero byte (null) is encountered
2. Null byte is what is used to stop
3.Yes it takes up a byte
Andres Garcia
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark L <kifyre@megsinet.net>
To: ytrrty trytyyrt eryttry <assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Tuesday, December 02, 1997 6:45 PM
Subject: A86: Zero Terminated Strings
I have 3 questions about that little 0 that comes after .db's.
1. Why is it necessary to stick a ",0" after certain .db strings?
2. When is it necessary to use the 0? In some source code it's not always
3. Does the 0 take up a byte in the program itself or is it just for the
Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer. I appreciate it.
Mark L.