Re: A86: ON key/shutdown call


Re: A86: ON key/shutdown call

At 02:59 PM 8/26/97 -0500, you wrote:
>does anyone know how to either (a) capture the ON key (b) the call to
>shut the calc off  or both?

To check for the ON key, it's on a different system from the rest of the keys.

   EX:  to check if ON is being pressed:

	in a,(3)	;port dealing with ON status
        and $8          ;mask out everything but ON status
        or a            ;cp 0
        jr z,ONpressed  ;
	jr ONnotpressed

        res 4,(IY+$09)  ;After ON is pressed, this command should be
executed to 
                        ;'turn it off' again, or else the TI-OS will detect
it too.
			;and right after your program is finished you'll
			;get an <error 6 break> if not
