Re: A86: AShell vs Aurora


Re: A86: AShell vs Aurora

At 06:42 PM 8/4/97 -0400, you wrote:
>I like Aurora better than Ashell and hope that Bill Nagel will expand on
>Aurora more than Ashell.  Aurora's interface is fun and effecient and is not
>that big, while I find ashell to be boring and ineffecient and it lists
>things that can't be executed and futhermore I don't want to see basic
>programs there.

Just as a note there, basic programs are executed from Aurora as well.
Also, if you don't want them run, why do you have them on your calculator?

|         Joseph M. Gaffney -         |
|           "Tiocfaidh �r L�" / "Our Day Will Come"          |
|  "If Ignorance Is Bliss Then Wipe The Smile Off My Face"   |
|                   The Creative Outlet                      |
|           |
