Re: A86: Standards


Re: A86: Standards

>>just add this to the beginning:
>>	.db $C9         ;ret, so if it's run, it doesn't screw up
>>	.db $FF,$80     ;then some kind of indicator, one or two bytes
>wouldn't the ".db $C9" be enough?  if all a program does is return, the
>shouldn't be listed on the shell's menu. 

The version number is nice, but there really needs to be more than THREE 
letters for level names.  None of them make any sense.  Try this for a 
standard level header (all games that have levels should use this.)

ret       ;This alone should be enough to supress display.
.db 'P'   ;Identifies which game level belongs to. Single Char.
.dw Data  ;So it can skip easily and calculate string copy length.  May 
be removed.
.db "Name of Level", 0

James Yopp
"Time is the fire in which we burn."