Re: List etiquette (was A86: Recalling string variables)
Re: List etiquette (was A86: Recalling string variables)
On Sat, 2 Aug 1997 wrote:
> Okay so in the first response that you sent how would steps two and three
> appear in source code for recalling into program A a string B that does not
> change length?
I can't speak for the rest of the people on this list, but when you reply
to my messages, PLEASE QUOTE LIBERALLY. I have sent exactly 38 messages
in the last two days, and I have read many more than that. It is futile
for me to try to remember every thread.
Also, it's pretty unclear whom you're addressing when you write to a
mailing list and use "you" without an introduction. If a message is
intended for a single person, then address the mail directly to that
person, and please do not mail the list. Most people do not enjoy
receiving mail that's not theirs.
You may say, "Aha, but you sent this mail to the list and it's meant only
for one person." It is not. All of you who are new to mailing lists
should pay close attention to this message.
To sum up:
1) Quote important lines from the message to which you're replying. Some
people quote too much. Quote enough to give your pronouns antecedents.
2) Check your To: field before you send a message. Don't send it to the
list unless it would benefit more than one person.
3) When you check the To: field, also check the Subject: field. If it no
longer fits the content of the message, change it. (I myself frequently
forget to do this.)
Thank you,
Dan Eble (
P.S. - It's easier to be polite to a guy named "Andrew" than to a bicycle;
nevertheless, I did try.