[A85] Re: Programming for the Ti85


[A85] Re: Programming for the Ti85

Okay, I have found it out myself... I'll show you what kind of answer I
expected to my question:

; 00 FD  - ZShell programs
; 00 FC  - Rigel program string
; 00 FB  - Usgard 1.0 programs
; 00 F9  - Usgard 1.1 programs
; 00 F8  - Usgard 1.5 programs
; 00 53  - Summit Shell Patch (BETA 1-3)
; 00 50  - PhatOS
; 02 50  - Peak BETA 2 Relocation Program
; 02 70  - Peak BETA 2 Non-Relocation Program
; 04 42  - Summit BETA 4 TI-BASIC ASM Subroutine
; 04 4E  - Summit BETA 4 Non-Relocation Program
; 04 52  - Summit BETA 4 Relocation Program
; 04 54  - Summit BETA 4 TSR

Use them in this code:
	.org	ORIGIN-3	; 'real' origin
	.dw	shellheader	; ex: Rigel = $FC00
	.db	enddesc-description+1	; size of descr.
	;org	ORIGIN		; Origin for this shell
	.db	"xxx",0		; Description string, zero term.
	.dw	fixuptable-enddesc	; relative pointer to fixuptable

;Your code goes here

 	.db	NumOfFixups	; How many fixupadresses
	.dw	Fixadress	;
	.db	NumOfLibs	; How many ZShell libs used?
	.db	SizeofLibname	;
	.db	"libname"	;
	.db	NumOfLibcalls	;
	.dw	LibFixadress	; Pointers to library calls?

Off coarse origins below 0 can't exist, using an external program (like
String85) to add the shellheader and descriptionsize could solve this

The minimum fixuptable would be '.db 0,0' (zero fixups, zero libs)

	Henk Poley <><