[A85] Programming for the Ti85


[A85] Programming for the Ti85

What I've found out by now, by disassembling WUTANG.85S (read on...):

.org	$9293		; Real origin to Rigel programs

	.db	$00,$FC		; This is a Rigel program string
	.db	enddesc-description ; description size

;.org	$9296	; 'normal' Rigel org adress

     .db  "WU-TANG Background", 00h	; zero terminated string
	.db	fixup - $9296 ; relative pointer to libs

	ld	hl, back
;$9296+$18  C3   ; JP
;$9296+$19  0D00 ; BGInterface = $000D
	jp	@BGInterface:1
	;..1024 bytes of picture data..
;$9296+$041B ; fixup table
	.db	$00         ;0 adresses need to be fixed up
	.db	$01         ;1 library to fix up
	.db	$05         ;5 bytes in libname
	.db	"bglib"     ;libname
	.db	$01         ;1 libcall functions needs to be fixed up
	.db	$19, $00    ;adress is at relative point $0019
	.db	$E6         ;????

Can somebody tell me what is that last value is about?

Is that the (in)famous 'checksum'?

	Henk Poley <><