[A85] Re: Running assembly programs


[A85] Re: Running assembly programs

> Van: Henk Poley <HPoley@DDS.nl>
> > Van: Eugene Talagrand <eugrt@hotmail.com>
> > 
> > There exist three programs (that I know) that will let you do this:
> > zBASIC for Zshell 
> > (http://www.ticalc.org/pub/85/asm/programs/zshell/zbasic.zip)
> > Ulterior motive for ZShell as well (it has its own backup 
> > though)(http://www.ticalc.org/pub/85/asm/programs/zshell/um.zip)
> > and UltraStarter for Usgard 1.5 
> > (http://www.ticalc.org/pub/85/asm/programs/usgard/ultrast.zip)
> Thank you :-)
> I'll take a look.

And so I've taken a look, and the above programs seem 'horrible' to me,

Whoops forgot to finnish my mail...

I wanted to say that all of them run an interrupt that scans in Ans (or
another string) for certain texts/characters, and then do something
accordingly. Seems a bit unstable to me... (Ulterior Motive says that you
shouldn't do any link-stuff when the int is on, the others only say that
they are beta, and likely to crash)

And none of them released their source :-(

	Henk Poley <><