Re: A85: Re: Variable types
Re: A85: Re: Variable types
Assuming you have HL pointing to the variable's name, I think you can just do this:
call VAR_GET ; Returns pointer to VAT entry in DE? Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
ld a,$2C
ld (de),a
I'm not sure if that will work though.
On Fri, 24 Mar 2000 08:55:19 Jon R Johnson wrote:
>What I'm trying to do is change the VAT type so that it will show up in a
>different folder the current types I'm using are $0C, $2C, $4C, $6C, $14
> because the shell searches for programs of type $xx which I already have
>programmed to change to view programs of different types, I just cannot
>for the life of me figure out how to change the actual VAT type of the
>programs so they can be moved by the shell to a different folder. I've
>tested the capability of the shell by manually retyping variables through
>mem30 and it works for displaying different types.
>Hopefullly I explained this clear enough for you to understand what I'm
>trying to do. Please Please help me out with this, it should be possible
>since PhatOS used a similar technique.
>If you would like to see the current version of this shell you can
>download it from here:
>Jon Johnson
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