Re: A85: Re: LaserSquad-Z
Re: A85: Re: LaserSquad-Z
Thanks! I did also find the algorithm from some
webpages... And then I'll add that A-star thing(it
searches the shortest points first). Now what would
you suggest for storing the checked points? Should I
have always growing list of all the points? It would
end up huge I guess... any ideas? Or maybe it wouldn't
be too big if I'd only store the furthest points of
the search area...
x-these would be stored.
Well, thanks again!
--- David Whittaker <> wrote:
> I thought the algorithm you are using could use a
> little optimization, so I did some research. It
> turns out that if you plan your path from the start
> and finish simultaneously, you cut the number of
> tiles you have to search in half (usually). For
> example:
> Your method:
> 444444444.
> 433333334t
> 432222234.
> 432111234.
> 4321s1234. 81 searches
> 432111234.
> 432222234.
> 433333334.
> 444444444.
> My method:
> ......22222
> ......21112
> ......21t12
> .2222221112 50 searches.
> .2111222222
> .21s12.....
> .21112.....
> .22222.....
> Granted, there will need to be a few more searches
> on each on to find the collision point, but you get
> the idea.
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