A85: Re: Assembly-85 Digest V1 #530


A85: Re: Assembly-85 Digest V1 #530

here's another routine that i have never tested and wrote just for this

    ld hl,VIDEO_MEM+3    ;where to begin  (you put this in your email)
    ld b,<however many pixels high the screen is...68 i think or something
like that>
    ld a,%0000 0001        ; the 1 is the bit you want set....you can move
                                            ;  you can make it look cool
with "ld a,%0000 0101"
                                        ; that way you'd have two lines
    or (hl)            ; you want don't want to erase anything that's
already on the screen i guess
    ld (hl),a        ; load the final product onto the screen, lighting up
the new pixel (line)
    add hl,16    ; add 16 to get the next row down!
    djnz s_1    ; go and do it all over again!

<<2. Is there a smaller/faster way to draw a vertical
line(ok, this is my first program, so...)?
ld bc,$4001 ;height=$40:byteofset%00000001
ld de,$0010 ;next line is vidmem+16...
ld hl,VIDEO_MEM+3

        ld a,(hl)
or c            ;I want to OR the PixelOnScreen
ld (hl),a
        add hl,de
        djnz Lineloop>>