Re: A85: Assembling problems.
Re: A85: Assembling problems.
In a message dated 3/27/99 11:26:47 AM MST, writes:
> Hello, first of all I want to apologise if you have
> this message multiple times, because this is the
> third(3.) time I'm trying to post this. Yahoo messed up
> the first one, second one was sent but I can't see it
> here on the list, now once more. Sorry.
> Ok, after following the list for some time I decided to
> ask few questions myself.
> 1. I'm now making a program for Usgard and I'd like to
> know how to do HL*16. Here's part of the code, I made,
> but now I realized it should do the rl for HL not only
> L. Can you help me here?
> ;--------------
> ld a,l
> rla
> rla
> rla
> rla
> rla
> rla
> rla
> rla
> ld l,a
> ld bc,VIDEO_MEM+4 ;just some displaying stuff
> add hl,bc
> ;---------------
If you want to do HL*16, just do 4 ' add hl,hl's...if that's what you wanted
to know...I'm guessing you might've missed-typed something?
> 2. Is there a smaller/faster way to draw a vertical
> line(ok, this is my first program, so...)?
> ;---------------
> ld bc,$4001 ;height=$40:byteofset%00000001
> ld de,$0010 ;next line is vidmem+16...
> ld hl,VIDEO_MEM+3
> Lineloop:
> ld a,(hl)
> or c ;I want to OR the PixelOnScreen
> ld (hl),a
> add hl,de
> djnz Lineloop
> ;---------------
Not that I know of...*I* could be wrong, though!
> Ok, thanks friends! Good luck with your projects too!
> Johannes Rajala