A85: Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 22:09:58 -0500


A85: Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 22:09:58 -0500

about a week or two ago i transfered from a windows 95, 75 MHz Pentium to a
win 98, 450 PII MMX.  i copied all my files in my asm directory (where i had
previously unzipped the usgard zip file) to my new computer.

when i went to try to compile something using c.bat, i got an error saying:
    "Runtime error 200 at 0197:0091"

does anyone know what this means?  i've gotten the same error using other ms
dos applications.  i don't think the batch file is messing up, rather the
applications themselves.

i unzipped the newest version of the usgard.zip package into the asm
directory again, overwriting all files when prompted.  this did not solve
the problem.  tasm z80 runs also, but later on it says that it can not open
the output file and therefore can not move it.

i think this is more a problem that the usgard team can solve.  i really
could use the help.  i have been making asm files but haven't been able to
compile and send them.

thanks a ton.

