Re: A85: TI-85 Menu System Information
Re: A85: TI-85 Menu System Information
If Andreas Ess ever gets around to releasing Usgard. He's supposed give me
the source. I've been keeping myself occumpied with TI-85 menu stuff
waiting on him.
The menu I added is quite dull (all it's filled with is pointers to run
MISh with), but if you've got a hex editor on your calc, you can modify it.
I plan on adding a way to copy stuff from the custom menu to the secondary
custom menu. The nice thing about it, though is that you can make the
thing as long as you want, until you run out of space. You should be able
to put about 255 menu entries in it. :)
At 11:56 PM 3/20/99 EST, you wrote:
>> I'm going to upload a new version of MISh soon, too. The latest version
>> has the ability of adding a second custom menu to the 85, kind of a custom
>> folder. I just have to clean up the code a little bit first and then
>> package it in a zip.
>Can't wait to see it. Will this sneak its way into one of your upcoming
>"mountain" shells? ;)
>NAME : Mikel Blanchard, of Macross Software
>WEB :
>ICQ : 3033904 (CashOnly)