A85: SchoolSuite v1.5 to Usgard
A85: SchoolSuite v1.5 to Usgard
Ok guys, here's something that I just got myself embarked on today. I
was on The Notorious Computerman's webpage and I saw that he wanted
someone to port SchoolSuite v1.5 to Usgard. Well, being in the
embarking mood, I emailed him and told him that I would do it. Well,
after looking at the program (which I neglected to do before I sent the
email) I saw that it would be the best to use something like winshell
with the SchoolSuite port. Now here comes the question: Would anyone
like to work with me on this?? I kind of know my Usgard stuff, but I'm
not so good that I can go this alone. If anyone is interested, ICQ me
or email me. Thanks in advance!
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