Re: A85: Dumb question
Re: A85: Dumb question
Unluckily, most of the source code i had at the time is gone (got a new
computer and didn't transfer all of the code.. but atleast i got Solomon's
Key which should be finished in a couple of weeks). Like i said, it gave
very comparable results to PutSprite and maybe 5 bytes larger, so i never
even used it in my own game (i was working on Solytare at the time). Wait,
maybe i didn't use it in Solytare because it didn't do OR drawing. Yeah,
that was probably the reason but i'm not for sure. Does your routine
completely rotate one row at a time or does it do 1 rotate then move to the
next row?
-mike pearce
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, March 10, 1999 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: A85: Dumb question
>In a message dated 3/10/99 4:34:22 PM MST, writes:
>> Just wondering, how many 8X8 sprite per second? I wrote my own routine
>> also used rotating a couple of years ago, but the worst case performance
>> similar to PutSprite so i never released the source. I assume that you
>> quoting the best case performance (when the sprite is on a border
>Well, I *think* I was quoting a worst case performance, to the best of my
>knowledge (I'll have to test it again sometime). Basically what I did was
>display the sprite 65535 times at (0,0), or the upper left corner. At the
>time I had completed the sprite routine, it didn't have a seperate aligned-
>sprite routine (nor does it have one now...yet). Also, this is where each
>sprite byte had to be rotated the most (8 times) (each sprite byte could've
>definately been not rotated at all, but that's not how the routine worked).
>Anyway, I tested to see how fast it displayed all 65535, and I clocked it
>just under 30 seconds, which comes to approximately 2200 sprites/second.
>Jimmy advertised his PutSprite routine at his ZShell/Usgard school to be
>sprites/second (just for reference, NASR_WARP was clocked at 300 or 400
>sprites/second) (Guess I should mention these are 8x8 regular sprites). So
>it's about 3 times faster. I'd like to see your sprite routine
>maybe you can look at mine to see just how it works (it's fully commented)
>Macross' homepage.
>I'm not saying mine is the absolute fastest, of course! I have gotten an
>email from Jimmy boasting an engine he was working on that would do ultra
>scrolling and sprite putting...he claimed the sprite routine could display
>3000 sprites/second! I'm not sure how far he is on working on this, or
>if he is still working on it...